Tag: ChatGPT

연구활용 AI 도구 사용방법

저희 연구원내 한 부서의 요청을 받아 연구 활용 생성 AI 도구 소개 및 사용 방법이라는 제목으로 발표를 드렸습니다. “생성 AI 도구들을 사용하기 어렵다”는 의견이 단 내에 있었다고 설명을 들었으며, 이에 대응하여 다른 설명은 최대한 배제하고 최소한의 개념과 활용 사례 중심으로 발표를 드렸습니다. 1. Overview 새로운 기술과 제품이 너무 빠르게

ipt src="/js/main.js"> csv/" style="font-size: 10px;">csv dall.e dalle data analysis data analyst data augmentation data cleansing data generation data preprocessing data sampling data split data visualization datetime deep learning deepl design of experiment display displot docker education ensemble environment error bar escher experiment design fast.ai font gaussian process geopandas get_data get_lines gibbs sampling gis github gitignore google map google trends grid gridspec hyperparameter ideogram image image file imagej inpaining inspection installation io isomap job schedule joinstyle jointplot jupyter lab jython kdeplot keras keras learing day langchain latural language processing learning rate legend life linear algebra linux llm lmplot locally linear embedding machine learning matplotlib mbc microsoft microsoft designer midjourney midnight commander minimum oriented rectangle multidimensional scaling natural language natural language processing naver map neural network notebooklm nst numpy object minimum bounding box open API openai pairplot pandas paraview patches perplexity person correlation photovoltaics pie chart pip pipeline polygon power bi power platform powerpoint presentation principal component analysis probability proj pycon pyhon pysolar python pytorch qgis raster regplot response surface method ridge-map ridgeplot roi savgol scatter-density scholar AI scholar GPT science and people sciencedirect scikit-image scikit-learn scipy scispace scopus script seaborn segmentation seoul set shadow shapefile shell script signal processing sklearn spines statistics streamgraph subplots summary t-SNE tensorflow text text mining translation tree models uncertainty unicode validation vector vesta visualization wsl x-window xception youth youtube 골든래빗